Before his relocation to the Fort Lee Home For The Tall, Threadbare And Twitchy, Glenn Hauman was a pioneer of electronic publishing with the groundbreaking BiblioBytes. When the caretakers let him use writing implements, he also wrote numerous short stories; his Star Trek e-book, “Creative Couplings”, got worldwide press coverage for its portrayal of the first Klingon-Jewish wedding. In addition to Star Trek, he’s written other licensed tie-in works for X-Men and Farscape, and urban fantasy for Baen Books.
After they took the pencils and gave him crayons instead, he became the colorist for Mike Grell’s Jon Sable Freelance: Ashes Of Eden graphic novel and the award-nominated biography The Original Johnson by Trevor Von Eeden.
Now that electronic publishing is no longer considered crazy, he is slowly being integrated back into society, and works at ComicMix where they let him play with computers all day long.
For more on Glenn and his mental state, follow him on Twitter @GlennHauman, read his personal website, and be sure to check out ComicMix.