They Keep Killing Glenn

They Keep Killing Glenn
About the Book

What did Glenn do to make so many people want to kill him?

Nothing, really. Glenn Hauman’s a really nice guy. One of the most prominent members of Crazy 8 Press (and certainly the tallest). Creator and part owner of ComicMix. Willing to give you the shirt off his back, which we saw him do at a convention once. Well-known in the comic book community and various fandoms. Always there when you need some help.

Let’s kill him.

And that’s how he became the target of nearly two dozen of the most demented names in science fiction:

David Gerrold • David Mack • Joe Corallo • Robert Greenberger • Russ Colchamiro • Keith R.A. DeCandido • Dean Scott • Mary Fan • Kathleen O’Shea David • Setsu Uzumé • Lorraine J. Anderson • Hildy Silverman • Aaron Rosenberg • Blair Learn • Brett Hudgins • S. Brady Calhoun • Michael Jan Friedman • Amy Lewanski • Jenifer Purcell Rosenberg • Paul Kupperberg • Peter David

Each of these authors set about to kill Glenn in their own inimitable fashion. Some went bloody. Some went metaphysical. Some went accidental. Some went very, very deliberate. Never has one person been killed by so many. So what are you waiting for? Start reading, and see which is your favorite in the end.

Glenn’s end, that is.

And end . . . and end . . . and end . . .

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Aaron Rosenberg

Aaron Rosenberg is the author of the best-selling DuckBob SF comedy series, the Relicant Chronicles epic fantasy series, the Dread Remora space-opera series, and—with David Niall Wilson—the O.C.L.T. occult thriller series. Aaron’s tie-in work contains novels for Star Trek, Warhammer, World of WarCraft, Stargate: Atlantis, Shadowrun, Eureka, Mutants & Masterminds, and more. He has written children’s books (including the original series STEM Squad and Pete and Penny’s Pizza Puzzles, the award-winning Bandslam: The Junior Novel, and the #1 best-selling 42: The Jackie Robinson Story), educational books on a variety of topics, and over seventy roleplaying games (such as the original games Asylum, Spookshow, and Chosen, work for White Wolf, Wizards of the Coast, Fantasy Flight, Pinnacle, and many others, and both the Origins Award-winning Gamemastering Secrets and the Gold ENnie-winning Lure of the Lich Lord). He is the co-creator of the ReDeus series, and a founding member of Crazy 8 Press. Aaron lives in New York with his family. You can follow him online at his website, on Facebook, and on Twitter.

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