Phenomenons: Every Human Creature
In 2008, a financial crisis plunges the United States into a depression. Unemployment reaches levels unseen since the 1930s. Tens of millions of Americans can’t pay the rent or put food on the table.
The richest men and women in society—known as the Captains of Industry—take advantage of the situation to expand their already formidable political power. The scientists and strongarm men on their payrolls, who formerly operated in the shadows, become brash and careless enough to do their dirty work in public.
It’s in the midst of these dark days that a mysterious figure known as Grey Guardsman appears on the scene, fighting crime at every level from street gangs to the super-powered henchman of corporate America. Guardsman and his high-tech shield become symbols of hope, not just for America but for the world.
Guardsman’s advent inspires the public appearances of other champions—people often masked as he is, characterized by wild identities and origins, who come to be known as Phenomenons. From their ranks, Guardsman creates United Front—a group comprised of himself and five other heroes, who stand as an example for other heroes to follow. Inspired by Guardsman and United Front, society starts up the long road to economic recovery.
Then, embroiled in a deadly battle in the Alps, Guardsman disappears…
In creating the Phenomenons, we're buoyed by the considerable talents of some of the most inventive science fiction and fantasy writers around: Ilsa J. Bick, Michael A. Burstein, Russ Colchamiro, Peter David, Keith R.A. DeCandido, Mary Fan, Michael Jan Friedman, Robert Greenberger, Glenn Hauman, Dan Hernandez, Heather E. Hutsell, Paul Kupperberg, Ron Marz, Aaron Rosenberg, Hildy Silverman, Geoffrey Thorne, and Marie Vibbert.
If you love super-heroes, you’ll love the world of the Phenomenons!