Tag Archives: #ReDeus

Love, Murder & Mayhem – When My Brain Goes Future Noir

By Lois Spangler

Listen: the moment you utter science fiction and love, murder, and mayhem all in the same breath, my brain immediately goes future-noir. And future-noir bubbles up in my mind as a cyberpunk detective story.

Great! A detective tries to solve a murder whose motives lie in love. But that’s a broad canvas, with all kinds of variables. So I thought about the love angle. Romance immediately came to mind, but I’d just seen a run of old films with the usual detective-dame dynamic, and to be completely honest, I’ve never tried romance—I haven’t had the guts. So I thought about other kinds of love, and the bonds of family came immediately to mind.

Another topic that I’ve been thinking about a lot lately is artificial intelligence, and robots in general. A few years ago, a friend of mine helped put together an interactive installation that was all about the common cultural perceptions of robots and how humans are learning to respond to them, and the problems that arise from a dearth of empathy for things that can be dismissed as mere machines.

And that’s when things started to gel. What if the murder centered around the affection and respect shown by a human to an android? What if that human treated this android like family? And what if other members of the family were not at all happy with that?

There’s an approach in neurology that posits that all human emotions are just chemical reactions, just physics in action. If we take these emotions seriously, and if they are just complex and glorified electro-chemistry, then how are the perceptions and processes of complex artificial intelligences any different? Can they understand what it is to be loved? Can they love in return? Does guilt have any meaning for them, or does it exist at all? And if empathy from an android to a human can be written off as programming, can the same be said for empathy shown from one android to another, if mutual preservation protocols are not expressly written into their code?

My story for the Crazy 8 Press Love, Murder & Mayhem anthology, titled “A Matter of Principle”, is an exploration of the choices people make about things that can be said to be sapient and sentient, what happens when those choices clash, and what happens when these sentient and sapient things make choices about themselves.

Love, Murder & Mayhem from Crazy 8 Press will be on sale both in print and digital formats in July. Stay tuned for updates!

Lois Spangler is a Mexican-American ex-pat currently living in the antipodes. Some of her stage works have been performed in New York City, and her short fiction has appeared in ReDeus: Native Lands, and will be appearing in works produced by Tiny Owl Workshop. When she’s not at her day job or tooling around doing narrative design research, she’s likely trading stabs and cuts with friends using centuries-old sword manuals, and occasionally translating bits of those manuals for folks to use.


The Gods must be Meshuggenah!

By Paul Kupperberg

I don’t know how it got done, but it did. Starting with just a couple of stories and a dream, some wise guy opined, “Y’know, if we could just get a few more stories written under an impossibly short deadline, we could have us a real book here.”

Talk about miracles!

Now, I have to point out I’m not a not a big believer in miracles. At all. In fact, I’m not a big believer in religion, organized, disorganized, or otherwise. I believe we should all believe what we want to believe and not try to force it on others. I won’t judge you for your beliefs and, I hope, you’ll do me the favor of vice versa. Even the Bible is with me on this: “You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things” (Romans 2:1), not to mention “So whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God. Blessed is the man who does not condemn himself by what he approves” (Romans 14:22).

(Isn’t the internet a wonderful thing? Even a heathen like me can sound like a Biblical scholar with a simple Google search!)

What I do believe in is the power of community and friendship. If there are any miracles in this day and age, they are the miracles we create for ourselves, especially when we band together and get it done…whether “it” is Habitat for Humanity rebuilding homes in the flood zones of New Orleans, mass demonstrations leading to the ouster of dictators and tyrants in Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya, or just a bunch of high school students putting together a festival to celebrate ecological awareness. You can give credit to whatever deity or being you want for any of these and a thousand other events that take place in the world every day, I suppose, but in the end, it’s really just people getting with other people to make it happen.

Please don’t think I’m putting the writing and production of ReDeus: Divine Tales over the course of about a month on the same level with any of the above. But in the spirit of community, I’m hard pressed to think of one that is more willing to give a helping hand to their fellows than the creative community. I won’t bore you with the countless tales of writers reaching out to other writers for assistance when their backs were, for whatever reason, against the deadline wall. I have written stories and essays for anthologies and chapters of novels without credit or pay to help a friend out of a jam. They, I know, would do the same for me.

ReDeus: Divine Tales is just another example of people getting with people. From a simple email inquiry–“Hey, you wanna…?”–eight intrepid scribes agreed to jump on board to play in this world we had dreamed up, each contributing their time, talent, and individual vision to the concept, each working overtime on a handshake and a promise to help make our dream a reality.

I can’t even begin to tell you how an artist makes his or her art, but in the case of ReDeus: Divine Tales, I can tell you that eleven writers (and two very talented artists) were able to make a book, creating something from nothing in far less time than any of us thought possible.

So, in a way, I guess maybe I do believe in miracles, because, really, it’s nothing less than one that ReDeus exists.

“In the beginning was the word” indeed!

Now available for Nook and Kindle.