It’s the second book in the Vidar Saga trilogy that I wrote back in the eighties, a sequel to The Hammer and The Horn. And by Thanksgiving, it’ll be back in print.
I can’t tell you how many people have asked me about it. Not only here and at cons but in my dreams, people come up to me and want to know about The Seekers and The Sword. People like Patrick Stewart and Whitey Ford and Albert Einstein because, you know, they’re dreams, and even more to the point they’re MY dreams.
So please, be patient. Pretty soon you’ll have a chance to get The Seekers and The Sword, both in print and in DRM-free e-book formats. In the meantime, feast your eyes on this wonderful cover by Brazilian phenom Caio Cacau. If The Seekers and The Sword is half as good as this cover, it’ll be well worth the wait.