All posts by Paul Kupperberg

“It Feels Just Like A Real Book!”

First Copy“Wow,” my son said when I handed him one of the first copies of The Same Old Story, my just-published mystery novel from Crazy 8 Press, “It feels just like a real book!”

“It is a real book!” I said, somewhat indignantly. The kid is seventeen years old and in addition to my good looks, he also inherited my knack for being snarky. I mean, it’s not as though this were the first book of mine he’s ever seen; I’ve had a couple dozen published, many in his lifetime. I just assumed he was being a wiseass. But he wasn’t.

“No, I mean, I thought because you guys were publishing it yourself, it was going to be a little, y’know…cheesy.”

I didn’t bother pointing out to Max (after whom the protagonist of The Same Old Story is named, and to whom the book is dedicated) that as a musician, he played, recorded, engineered, and produced his own music and the music of his friends the same way the authors at Crazy 8 Press wrote, designed, and produced our own books. I can’t tell the difference between the music he’s produced and the records that come out of “real” recording studios because thanks to digital desktop technology, there really isn’t a difference. Continue reading

Process, Schmacess! Exploring Native Lands

KuppsHEADSHOT-2So the other day I was reading the first issue of a new comic book title–I can’t tell you which one since, like too many new comic book titles these days, it was another one of those  derivative post-apocalyptic concepts wrapped up in some flimsy new dressing that slips off my brain almost as soon as I’ve read it. Try to read it. Anyway, I got to the end of the issue (perseverance!) and found that the story was followed by several pages of text by the writer explaining the where and how of the creation of this piece of work.

You’ve read a hundred of them if you’ve read one: “It was a dark and stormy night when, like a thunderbolt, an image came to me. I didn’t know what that image meant until, days later I was talking to Sam Artist or Ann Editor and happened to mention it. They gasped. They cried. They genuflected. Didn’t I know what I had here? Well, let me tell you…!”

Okay, I admit, I’ve written my fair share of these “process pieces” over the years, but in my defense, I wrote ‘em for the bucks. At DC Comics, we got paid for writing text pages and, for a new series, it was either write some sort of blather about how it had come to be or forgo a couple hundred bucks for what was, essentially, a couple hours work. After a book was up and running and receiving mail from readers, it got even easier. Retype some letters, write some snappy responses, turn in your voucher. (And once OCR technology became affordable for the home user, it was just free freakin’ money.) Continue reading

What it’s Like to be Nominated for a Harvey

Life with Archive Vol 2It was a Monday, like any other Monday. Nobody likes Mondays. Not even freelance writers. Everybody knows that Mondays just suck.

And then I logged onto Facebook and saw this post from Dan Parent, writer/artist/creator ofArchie Comics’ groundbreaking Kevin Keller title:

“I got a Harvey Award nomination ! Also Bob Smith, Tito Pena and Life with Archie did too!”

I posted a heartfelt “Congrats, Dan! Well deserved!” — having spent my fair share of time with Kevin in Life With Archie, on a couple of (upcoming) fill-in issues I scripted of Kevin Keller, the YA novel Kevin, and the forthcomingKevin Keller Mad Libs (the last two published by Penguin/Grosett & Dunlap), I have a certain fondness for the lad and am a big fan of Dan’s work on the title…

…And then my brain said, “Did you read the rest of the post, schmuck?”

“Also Bob Smith, Tito Pena…”

Wow. Very cool! Two talented guys richly deserving not only of nominations, but of winning. I’ve known Bob for approximately forever, and he even inks my stories in Life With Archie, so I posted kudos to him as well. I’ve never met colorist Tito Pena but I sure know his work. Continue reading