Category Archives: ReDeus

Me and my Character

h-2 inkI’ve always wanted my own character. John D. MacDonald has Travis McGee and Arthur Conan Doyle has Sherlock Holmes. You know what I mean. They create a character that is rich and compelling, interesting to both the writer and the reader. Their personality and status quo allows for a rich variety of storytelling opportunities and like an old friend, grow old with them through time.

As much as I adore writing in other universes, and helped create one or two to share with others, I always thought I should have one or two characters to call my own. In the back of my mind, I guess I’ve been sending out a signal and have been patiently waiting to see who will walk out of the dim recesses of my mind.

At first, I thought it might be the young apprentice wizard I introduced in “Solo”, a short story that appeared Mob Magic a decade-plus back. And while I want to return to him, he hasn’t been insistently bothering me.

Instead, it appears that Gabriella Trotter, my protagonist in ReDeus has decided to inhabit my mind. When Aaron Rosenberg, Paul Kupperberg, and I began developing this shared universe, we each wanted our own character to roam with. Paul’s Junker George is out to slay the “false” gods and is hopping the globe to do so and Aaron’s cop Tom Duran seems content to operate in New York City, the one free zone on Earth. Continue reading

A ReDeus Short: “Starting at the Beginning”

ReDeusLogoThe stars were twinkling in the barren night sky as Gabriella Trotter leisurely drove down Route 90. Her eastward route took her farther and farther away from Seattle. It had been a hasty decision and one she didn’t allow herself to contemplate. Instead, she listened to pop anthems from her youth on the satellite radio, finishing the now-cold and greasy fries that remained in the white paper Sonic bag. Thankfully, the local deities allowed burgers, although the mandate was that they were now all-buffalo—more authentic, it had been declared.

She had lost her job at the newspaper thanks to the gods’ intervention, and she was more than a little tired of being Kunulla’s plaything. Gabbi had no idea what the god wanted with her but he somehow found her lack of faith in any deity appealing or challenging or something. He’d already exposed the unseemly side of the celebrities she’d covered, altering her coverage from fawning to jaundiced. While it might have made her a sharper writer, it had also seemed to piss someone off and now here she was, without income. Continue reading

My Alien Abduction Story was on Native Lands

By Robert T. Jeschonek

Native Lands front coverConfession time:  I’m still scared that they’re coming for me.

By “they,” I mean aliens…the kind who creep into your bedroom at night and whisk you away to their ship for tests or just outright torture.  The thought of it terrifies me:  that I might be lying there, helpless yet conscious, as they take me away.

I’ll bet it scares you, too.  Because it’s something that might just happen to any of us on any given night.  If eyewitness reports are to be believed, it happens all the time.

Not to mention, we’ve seen it happen again and again on TV and in the movies.  The alien abduction scene has been recreated so many times, it’s become ingrained in our collective consciousness.  When it’s done right, there’s nothing scarier.

For me, the best and scariest version was in the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind.  Just thinking about the scene in which the aliens keep trying to get into the locked farmhouse so they can snatch the little boy inside sends shivers up my spine.  No, really. Continue reading

Steven H. Wilson Listens to his Perosnal Trinity About Native Lands

By Steven H. Wilson

Steven H. Wilson ASo you’ve heard of three-part deities, right? The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost in the Christian tradition, the Triple Goddess Hecate in Greek Myth and the Wiccan traditions? Well, Crazy 8 has a triple deity of its own, personified by Bob, Paul and Aaron. This trinity edits ReDeus, reads our stories, and transmits to us via the divine email words of wisdom. You’re never sure which of the three is speaking, but the results are always awe-inspiring, enlightening, and delightfully snarky.

It was in one of these divine communiqués that a couple of throwaway lines in my story “Axel’s Flight” were transformed, as Io was transformed into the sacred cow, into a story of their own. Clever deities, these, even if you don’t know which is which. Ovid couldn’t have described a more wondrous metamorphosis.

The passage thus selected was:

“The gods had curtailed a good deal of Hollywood’s output over the last decade, offended by the CGI special effects which made their miraculous powers seem commonplace. Only swift action by a consortium of gods of arts from various pantheons had prevented the outright destruction of the likes of Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, and such films were rarely seen now by mere mortals.” Continue reading

The South Wind Blows Through Native Lands with Kevin Dilmore

By Kevin Dilmore

Dilmore blog photoIt’s all Kansas’ fault.

I certainly mean the state, which I regard as my own native land despite that my birth and first five years of life took place in upstate New York. I also mean the band, a favorite of mine for nearly 40 years whose music accompanied the majority of my writing process on this story. And I also mean the residents, from the native tribes to the homesteaders, who struggled against nature and, yes, each other in their quests to live off of the land and make a home on the prairie with only their determination and faith and work ethic to fuel them.

Mix those inspirations liberally with the weirdness drifting through my own mind, and that is the formula for my contribution to Native Lands, “The Initially Unsettling But Ultimately Triumphant Return of Afterbirth Boy.”

Spoiler alert: Don’t read the story title until after you have read the story.

When I received the very gracious invitation to propose a story for the Native Lands anthology, I immediately knew that I wanted to write a tale that felt like home. Growing up in a town of 6,000 in central Kansas and then spending 15 additional years in a similarly sized Kansas town while reporting for a twice-weekly newspaper, I many times had the sense that the problems of big-city America did not apply to our lives here. As I read Divine Tales, I was struck with a similar impression. Sure, the Gods would work wonders or horrors in the lives of people on the coasts. But how would things shake out around here? What challenges might a small town face in light of these arrivals? Who would step up for the little guys? Continue reading

Steve Lyons Visits POWs on Native Lands

By Steve Lyons

stevelyonsI keep being reminded of the wisdom of Blackadder the Third: “Sir Thomas More, for instance – burned alive for refusing to recant his Catholicism – must have been kicking himself, as the flames licked higher, that it never occurred to him to say, ‘I recant my Catholicism.’”

When the gods returned – to the world of ReDeus – they summoned millions of people, descendants of those who had once worshipped them, back to their ancestral lands. “Those who don’t make it out in time are given a choice,” according to the writers’ guidelines. They can swear fealty to the gods of whichever country they are stranded in “or be treated as prisoners of war”. That paragraph became the starting point for my story in Native Lands. I wanted to see inside a POW camp.

I wanted to look at some of the inmates of that camp, and ask the question: What is keeping them – each one of them – from bowing down to the Native American gods? In some cases, the answer is obvious; in others, less so. Why would a modern-day Italian-American, for example, care about the Greco-Roman gods of his forefathers? Why would pledging allegiance to them be any different, any more appealing to him, than pledging it to their American rivals? Or vice versa? Continue reading