Pulling Up Stakes Now Available

Pulling up Stakes is now live…well, un-live…on Amazon Kindle, and in short order will be out on B&N as well.

Sick of vampires?  So is Vince Hammond, a vampire hunter who lives in a garrison of vampire hunters and has to keep his deepest secret from them:  that he himself is a vampire.  If his mom finds out, she’ll kill him, and if she fails, there’s plenty of other volunteers to get the job done.

We’re trying something different here at Crazy 8 HQ.  Pulling up Stakes will be released in two parts, each at the bargain price of .99.  First half is out now; the second will be out in December, same price.  A few months later, we will be pulling both halves from sale and instead release it as a single volume at $4.99 (and in paperback as well.)  We keep being told that fans are eager for bargain prices, especially in this economy.  And so Vince Hammond is going to be the canary in that particular coal mine.  If sales blow through the roof, we’ll see this experiment as a possible business model for the future.  If unit sales are the same as previous books, well…then I just lost a lot of money listening to the fans.  It’s not as if C8 has a massive marketing department buying commercials and ads; we need you guys to help.  We’ve listened to you by pricing Pulling up Stakes at the introductory price of .99.  Now we need you to spread the words so that others will listen.

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