Crazy 8 Press Will be at NYCC This Week

New York Comic-Con kicks off Thursday at 3 p.m. and Crazy 8 Press will be there. We’re going to be scattered here and there, but we wanted you to find us. We’re using Peter David’s table at BB1 as a base of operations so one of us should be there at most times.

More specifically, here’s where we will be:

Peter David

Peter will be at BB1, signing autographs, selling books and cracking wise. He will also be on two panels:


Marvel NOW!: All-New X-Men 12:15PM – 1:15PM         1E07

What’s happening NOW! with Marvel’s mutants? What bold new directions will the Children of the Atom head off in? Find out as Axel Alonso (Editor in Chief), Senior Editor Nick Lowe, Editor Jeanine Schaefer, Rick Remender (Uncanny Avengers), Dennis Hopeless (Cable & The X-Force), Peter David (X-Factor) and Arune Singh (Director of Communications) spill the beans on the future of the X-Men!

Speakers: Arune Singh  Axel Alonso  Dennis Hopeless  Jeanine Schaefer  Nick Lowe  Peter David  Rick Remender


Stan Lee’s World of Heroes 3:00PM – 4:00PM         1E13

The legendary Stan Lee talks about World of Heroes, his YouTube channel built around heroes, villains and the fans who love them. In this epic panel, Stan, Peter David (The Hulk) and other special guests showcase new shows launching, debut new episodes, answer questions from fans, and provide a few Stan Lee surprises.

Michael Jan Friedman

Unfortunately, the dreaded deadline doom is keeping Mike from attending the convention, but it does mean the second installment of Aztlan will be out on schedule next month!

Robert Greenberger

He will be signing copies of the newly released Star Trek: The Complete Unauthorized History at the Voyageur Books booth, 929, at these times:

Thursday 6-7 p.m.

Friday 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.; 3 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Saturday 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.; 3:00 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Sunday 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.; 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Glenn Hauman

Glenn will be wandering, covering events for ComicMix and doing what he does best, walk tall and stand proud.

Aaron Rosenberg

Aaron will be on hand Thursday only, celebrating his birthday with a few thousand of his closest friends.


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