What is Bob Reading?

www_wednesdays42If it’s Wednesday, it’s time to talk other books, specifically books we’re reading. Following Should Be Reading’s meme, here are the books I’m currently immersed in:

What have you just read?

I have just completed the lost Mike Hammer novel, Lady, Go Die, co-written by the late, great Mickey Spillane and completed by Max Allan Collins. A fine collaboration and terrific period potboiler.

What are you reading now?

I am deep into Michael A. Martin’s Star Trek: Titan novel Fallen Gods. I’ve enjoyed his solo efforts and the Titan series as a whole has been nicely segregated from the overall continuity, keeping these fresh tales.

What is next on your To Be Read pile?

Probably it’ll be time to dig back into Westeros and read A Feast for Crows, the fourth of the Game of Thrones novels. I read the first three last year and want to stay fresh before the sprawling cast becomes too difficult to track.

One thought on “What is Bob Reading?”

  1. Just finished David Mack’s STAR TREK: COLD EQUATIONS series, which-I have to say, IS ‘superb’. I thoroughly enjoyed all three. I can’t wait to see where David takes this…
    I’m currently reading Peter David’s “Pulling Up Stakes” set… This is absolutely hilarious! It’s becoming one of my favorites, by PAD. I own everything Peter has written, (i.e. STAR TREK); but-since his stroke, I have been looking for new works by THE MAN, to help him out with the med costs. I found “PUS”, here, and I am so glad I did. I haven’t laughed so hard, in a long time! This is “classic” Peter David… You have GOT to check ’em out…
    Plan to pickup, where-I left-off, on Timothy Zahn’s, STAR WARS: SCOUNDRELS, when I found Peter’s books…
    As-always, I’m looking forward to ANY new STAR TREK…
    —^^^”< 1

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