Counting Down to our Second Anniversary – Part 6

2ndBirthdayC8What a crazy year this has been.

I’m selling my apartment in Queens, buying a house in New Jersey, and by the time Shore Leave comes about—just two weeks away, yikes!—I will have launched not one, but two wild science fiction novels with my pals at Crazy 8 Press.

Aaaand … this will not only be my first trip to Shore Leave, but it will also be the first time that the entire Crazy 8 Press team will be gathered in one place at the same time, all while Captain Kirk himself William Shatner plays guest speaker at the event. (Now, I know Shatner’s PR team is saying that he was ‘invited’, but between us he really came to check out Crazy 8 Press).

But let’s get back to the books.

For those of you new to my work, earlier this year I debuted my mysterious, action-packed sci-fi romp Crossline, my first project with Crazy 8 Press. If you want to get a better idea of the scope of the adventure, here’s a pretty awesome trailer I think you’ll enjoy.

Russ photo 2And now in typical sci-fi style, let’s time travel to the past so we can return to the future.

A few years ago my first novel Finders Keepers debuted to terrific reviews—including Publishers Weekly—but it recently became time to part ways with my distributor. And with Shore Leave on the horizon, we all agreed that the best way to bring Finders Keepers to a larger audience was to re-release the title through Crazy 8 Press, and then make a big splash at Shore Leave.

For the uninitiated, Finders Keepers is a raunchy, sci-fi backpacking comedy—think American Pie/Superbad/Hot Tub Time Machine meets Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. So if you like raunchy humor and you like tales of cosmic lunacy, then Finders Keepers is definitely for you. And as with Crossline, Finders Keepers will be available in both print and e-book.

The Finders Keepers re-release also has a new layout from Cray 8 Press designer guru Aaron Rosenberg, to compliment the amazing cover from comic book artist Rich Koslowski.

So here I am, trying to figure out where I’m going to live, how I’m going to pack and move, and do all this with my little kids in tow, all while planning a big hoopla at Shore Leave with my fellow Crazy8iatics.

Am I looking forward to the festivities? Oh, yes. Yes I am.

It’s been a crazy year so far. I expect Shore Leave to be more of the same.

See you there!

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