All posts by Aaron Rosenberg

How I Met the Author – Russ Colchamiro

C8 Farpoint 2014 panel 2It was PhilCon, a convention that is, ironically, held in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. I was there for the first time, one of several author guests, and in between panels I was wandering the dealers’ room. I checked out the various tables, admiring weapons and memorabilia and other geek merchandise, but not surprisingly most of my attention went to the books. Not those sold by booksellers as much as the ones offered by authors and small presses. Those I stopped to examine more closely, looking over the covers, reading the back copy, flipping through the interiors. I’m a graphic designer and a book layout artists as well as a writer, so on the one hand I was looking at the books for their production value, but I was also curious what other people were writing around me.

One table had only a single book available, but its cover was enough to intrigue me—it was a frenetic scene, showing several figures pushing and shoving and climbing over each other in front of an island sunset, each striving for a glowing jar that floated just out of reach. Finders Keepers, the cover proclaimed. “A novel by Russ Colchamiro.” Continue reading

Farpoint schedule!

Tomorrow morning, if the weather’s willing, most of Crazy 8 will be heading down to the annual Farpoint convention in Hunt Valley, MD. Here’s my schedule for the weekend—if you’re going, come find me!

Fri, 2/14/14

3pm Short Stories vs Novels, Chesapeake 1

4pm Building A Series, Chesapeake 1

[5pm I’ve Finished My First Draft, Now What?, Chesapeake 1]

6pm Playing in Someone Else’s Sandbox, Chesapeake 1

11pm Farpoint Book Fair, Dulaney Valley 1

Sat, 2/15/14

[10am Beating Writer’s Block, Chesapeake1]

Noon Building A Writing Career, Chesapeake 1

1pm Crazy 8 Press, Chesapeake 1

2pm Crazy 8 Press Autograph Table, Atrium Front

[3pm New Media Marketing, Ridgely 1]

[4pm The Heirs To Harry: Young Adult Science Fiction in Books & Film, Chesapeake 1]

Sun, 2/16/14

[10am How to Write for Different Media, Chesapeake 2]

11am Crowdfunding Your Project, Chesapeake 1

[Noon Orphan Black: Send in the Clones, Ridgely 1]

3pm Writing Humor, Chesapeake 1

[bracketed events are ones I’m not officially listed on but may crash anyway :)] Continue reading

Counting Down to our 2nd Anniversary Part 2

Trying Something New

2ndBirthdayC8“Write something different.” That was the challenge a friend and fellow writer gave me a few years ago. I’d been telling her how I was between contracts at the time—I’d been doing a lot of tie-in books, and a lot of children’s books—and how I had the itch to start something new but didn’t know what. I had a whole file full of story ideas, but how to choose? “Go with something different, challenge yourself,” she suggested.

Which made me bypass all the fantasies and mysteries and dark fantasies and thrillers—the sort of thing I’d been writing—and pull out a one-liner about a wacky duck-headed man instead.

And so No Small Bills was born.

I had an absolute blast writing about the silly, crazy, off-the-wall adventures of DuckBob Spinowitz and his pals on

their out-of-control cosmic road trip to save the universe. This was a side of myself that had never emerged onto the page before, and letting it loose was incredibly freeing—and a whole lot of fun. Continue reading

ReDeus: Beyond Borders now available!


We know how impatiently you’ve been waiting, and who can blame you? After all, we’ve been talking about this for weeks. But the moment is finally here, the wait is over–you can go out and buy ReDeus: Beyond Borders today!

Continue to thrill at tales of our world as it would be if all the gods had returned, and mankind was forced to adapt to the sudden, ongoing presence of all its pantheons as they battle for control. Buy a copy now and see how ReDeus creators Robert Greenberger, Paul Kupperberg, and Aaron Rosenberg—ably assisted by fellow authors Lorraine J. Anderson, Phil Giunta, William Leisner, Steve Lyons, Kelly Meding, David McDonald, Scott Pearson, Lawrence M. Schoen, Janna Silverstein, and Steven H. Wilson—portray a world where our every belief is challenged, and people must find new ways to be true to themselves even while obeying the rules and dictates of their restored gods.

ReDeus: Beyond Borders is available in print, as an e-book for the Kindle, and as an e-book for the NOOK. Join the gods today! Continue reading

Latchkeys: Mind the Gap

Bootleg cover FinalSo a while back, you saw that we here at Crazy 8 had announced a new property we were releasing—a strange, dark, spooky YA series called Latchkeys. Steven Savile led off with Unlatched, and we told you there would be new installments every six weeks or so.

Yeah, that didn’t exactly go according to plan, did it?

Why the long gaps between stories? Well, there were the usual real-world complications—people got sick, or moved, or changed jobs, or had some other project come up and insist on their full attention, and their Latchkeys story got pushed back. In a few cases, it was the fault of other books and other authors entirely—we try to give each new release room to breathe, and to shine, which means if a novel comes in late we may need to scoot it back in our publishing schedule, and that may shove back everything after it.

But there were also the in-story complications. You see, Latchkeys is an unusually collaborative venture. The HiveMind that created it has thirteen members, all of whom helped build the setting and the story arc and the characters, all of whom claimed one of the stories from that arc, and all of whom offered suggestions and feedback on each other’s stories. But no matter how careful your outline, when you sit down and start writing things change. They have to, really—you’re breathing life into that outline, giving it form and color and texture and flavor, and in the process you’ll fine-tune it, mold it, smooth out its edges and in some cases shift it slightly to give it a better cast, a better feel. What that means, though, is that your story won’t be a word-for-word reenactment of your outline—which means that anyone writing after you in the series will need to not only read your story once it’s done, but figure out what’s changed and how those changes will affect his or her story when its time comes. Continue reading

What is Aaron Reading?

www_wednesdays42Yeah, we know it’s not Wednesday. So sue us. Still, we wanted to jump on to the Should Be Reading blog’s Wednesday meme. First up, C8 co-founder Aaron Rosenberg offers up his list:

What have you just read?

The last book I read was The Belgariad, by David (and Leigh) Eddings. It’s one of my favorite epic fantasies, and every few years I find myself sitting down and rereading it.

What are you reading now?

Currently I’m reading The Hobbit–I haven’t read it since I was in junior high and we just saw the movie over the holidays so I want to refresh my memory, and see what changed from print to screen.

What is next on your To Be Read pile?

Probably Elmore Leonard’s Pronto, which is the first of the Raylan Givens novels. I’m a HUGE Justified fan, so I’m looking forward to reading the character in Leonard’s own words.