All posts by Bob Greenberger

Writing in Confined Spaces

Just the other day, we were talking about writing “Demon Circle” in a tight, confined space. To demonstrate we were not kidding, we wanted to share with you some shots that prove our truthfulness. These were taken by Shore Leave’s official photographer, Jen Rohrbach Snyder, who doubles as a professional photographer in her Maryland business Lux Amoris.

The story remains available for purchase as a eBook with all the proceeds going to the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, a group dedicated to providing funds to support comic book creators and retailers in defending their right to free speech. They have several cases on their docket and every nickel will help. One reason we chose this fund is because our own Peter David serves on their Board of Directors in addition to the fact that as authors, we vigorously believe in defending our rights against those who seek to impose their will on others.

The first image is of our founder, Michael Jan Friedman, then there’s Bob Greenberger, trying to get used to the keyboard. Author Scott Pearson begs Mike for advice on how to be famous. Bill Leisner stands behind him, eavsdropping. Finally, Aaron Rosenberg, in his quiet, unassuming way, ignores the distracting crowds and focuses on making his contribution sing.

The Story Behind the Story of “Demon Circle”

“There’s no way we’re going to get all of this mopped up in time!”

A good first line can get you intrigued, or excited. It is designed to draw you in and set the tone for what you are about to read.

It can spark as many imaginations as there are people in the room to hear the words.

At Shore Leave, we wanted to celebrate our debut and do some good at the same time so we decided to write a round-robin short story based on a first line submitted by a fan. All those interested ponied up $2 a line and submitted a form. During our Crazy 8 Press panel at Noon Saturday, people continued to fill out forms as we discussed our plans.

Peter David then read out each line submitted, without attribution, and gauged the audience’s response. We narrowed down the lines until finally; the line atop this column won the support of the fans and the writers.

Once the final line was selected, Peter revealed the name of the winner, who turned out to be fellow author Kevin Dilmore.

As the panel ended, we set up a spare Mac Book in our reserved space and attached an external monitor so fans passing by could watch our progress. While Glenn Hauman and Bob Greenberger fussed with the technical issues, Michael Jan Friedman, batting leadoff, was furiously scribbling notes. Once a document was set up, Mike got to work.

Here’s the thing about our work space. It was narrow. Tiny, even. Set between two brick columns, it was apparently the last public table space near an outlet that was available for use. It felt confining and more than a few passersby cracked about watching us in a cage.

Still, we wrote. Every hour, someone new came to take over; beginning by reading what had been written to date, hearing some thoughts from the writer departing and then trying to write creatively. Bob was second and used scrap paper to jot down names and characteristics as a guide, which others added to as the story unfolded. Aaron Rosenberg was third, and quickly expanded upon what Bob had done, leaving his section with a nice cliffhanger for Peter to take in any of several directions.

Each author had to not only build off of what came before, but add and move the story forward. By Sunday, Aaron and Peter had brought the story in the general vicinity of a conclusion so after his stint Glenn filled Bob in on where things were headed. Bob then divided the final actions into two so he could focus on wrapping up one thread and finally handed things to Mike, who not only led off, but was now batting cleanup.

In the week that followed, we all read the story, Mike, Bob, and Aaron tweaked a few things for consistency, and Glenn created the cover you see. And in a day or so, the story will be for sale in all eReader formats with proceeds going to the CBLDF. We had tremendous fun and hope you enjoy the finished tale. We encourage you to support both us and the Fund by buying a copy.

Crazy 8 Press Talks to the Fans

At Shore Leave, the six founders of Crazy 8 Press spent an hour outlining the reasons behind the founding of the company and our plans for the future.

We talked about the just-released The Camelot Papers and our second offering, Aaron Rosenberg’s No Small Bills. Mike Friedman said the third original title to be released will be an untitled modern day fantasy with its basis in classic Greek mythology.

Glenn Hauman said his first original work will be a short story to be live on July 20, with a strong theme related to the moon landing on that date in 1969.

After that, Howard Weinstein talked about three different works which he has in mind, one of which will be his first offering, likely in early 2012.

Robert Greenberger said his first work will actually be a collaboration with Aaron Rosenberg, Bloodline, a fantasy in a world with a strong Caribbean flavor.

Backlist works from Greenberger and David will be made available over the next few weeks, in-between original releases.

Launching at Shore Leave

Crazy 8 Press will be storming Shore Leave in Cockeysville, Maryland this weekend and we have plenty of ways to celebrate our launch. Here’s our collective schedule although as individuals we will be on various panels throughout the weekend.


10 p.m.                 Meet the Pros

Come say hello. Buy our books. Get autographs. And fill out the form suggesting the opening line for the charity story to be written all weekend. Updates will be posted here and on our Facebook page.


Noon                     Crazy 8 Press panel

All six of us will be explaining why we formed Crazy 8 Press and what we have planned and how you, as readers, can benefit. At the conclusion, the winning opening line will be selected. Then, at the Crazy 8 Press table, come watch the mania as we craft a story from this opening line and hand it off from one to another. When done, it will be sold with profits going to the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund.

1:00 p.m.             Mike Friedman

2:00 p.m.             Bob Greenberger

3:00 p.m.             Aaron Rosenberg

4:00 p.m.             Peter David

500 p.m.               Glenn Hauman


10:00 a.m.           Mike Friedman

11:00 a.m.           Aaron Rosenberg

Noon                     Peter David

1 p.m.                   Bob Greenberger

2 p.m.                   Glenn Hauman

3 p.m.                   Mike Friedman