All posts by Michael Jan Friedman

Seek and Ye Shall Find

The Seeker and the SwordWell, The Seekers and The Sword, the second book in my Vidar Saga, is now available for purchase as an e-book from either Amazon or Wouldn’t ya know it, just in time for the holiday rush.

Thanks to everyone who’s asked about Seekers, and the Vidar Saga in general, over the years. It’s my great pleasure to bring you this new volume, full of the epic adventure that began in the Saga’s first book, The Hammer and The Horn, and will–with a little luck–continue in 2016 in the third book, The Fortress and The Fire.

I’ll let you know as soon as Seekers is available in paperback. In the meantime, enjoy whatever holiday you celebrate and may you receive everything you desire  in the coming year.

The Seeker and the Sword Returns to Print in November

CAIOC_VIDARThe Seekers and The Sword. It’s the second book in the Vidar Saga trilogy that I wrote back in the eighties, a sequel to The Hammer and The Horn. And by Thanksgiving, it’ll be back in print. I can’t tell you how many people have asked me about it. Not only here and at cons but in my dreams, people come up to me and want to know about The Seekers and The Sword. People like Patrick Stewart and Whitey Ford and Albert Einstein because, you know, they’re dreams, and even more to the point they’re MY dreams. So please, be patient. Pretty soon you’ll have a chance to get The Seekers and The Sword, both in print and in DRM-free e-book formats. In the meantime, feast your eyes on this wonderful cover by Brazilian phenom Caio Cacau. If The Seekers and The Sword is half as good as this cover, it’ll be well worth the wait.

Lost Days Are Available

Lost Days!

Anthony Borelli knew a lot more about Renaissance Italy than did most kids his age.
He knew that it wasn’t one country but rather a whole bunch of city-states. He knew that people spoke a version of Italian back then that was different from the Italian he had learned in school. And he knew about the Gregorian calendar, Pope Gregory XIII’s attempt to wrestle holidays like Easter back to the seasons in which they belonged.

But Anthony never expected to find himself in Renaissance Italy . . . or to be fighting the kinds of bizarre, bloody monsters he had only read about in the mythologies of the ancients…or to be the linchpin in a grand, desperate scheme to save the world of Man from the beginning to the end of time.

How, he wonders, is he supposed to overcome the amassed forces of evil when he can’t even overcome the town bully?

Lost Days isn’t just about a calendar. It’s about demons. It’s about blood and death. It’s about magic, and courage, and crazy schemes . . . and in the end, the power of love. Continue reading

Lost Days are Here

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000035_00029]In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII issued a decree that Christendom would no longer count time according to the old Julian calendar, which–over the course of centuries–had allowed movable feasts like Easter to slip back a week and a half. From that point on, Christians would follow a new, more accurate calendar, which–because Pope Gregory was the one who made it happen–would come to be known as the Gregorian Calendar.

Oh, one other thing. To put the holidays back where they belonged, Pope Gregory eliminated ten days in October, 1582. Friday, October 5th became Friday, October 15th. This made landlords happy and tenants grumpy, but there it was.

Now, you might say the erasure of those ten days was just a clerical formality, a logistical convenience. We didn’t actually get rid of those ten days, did we?

Or…did we?

What if something happened in the course of those ten days? Something so bad, so horrifying, so breathtakingly evil that the only way the world could survive was if those two hundred and forty hours were wiped from the face of the earth? Which, as you’ve probably guessed by now, is the conceit at the center of my new young adult novel, Lost Days — which Crazy 8 Press will be releasing on August 25, 2015. Continue reading

What I’m Working on: Michael Jan Friedman

JLS_2839Remember the TV show Cheers? I hope so. I’d hate to think I was the only one taking notes back in the 80s.

Anyway, there was this episode in which Sam the barkeep lends serving maid Diane $500 to buy a first edition of Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises. Great episode for a lot of reasons, but what I recall most clearly about it is how steamed Sam gets when Diane takes her time paying him back, especially when she keeps on buying little luxuries for herself. Like lobster salad. How, Sam asks, can she treat herself to lobster salad when she’s yet to pay him back a dime?

And me, I’m asking the same question. Diane’s got an obligation, after all. She has to discharge that obligation before she spends money on anything else. Come on, Diane, I’m thinking, give the guy a break. Pay him back.

Which is where Lost Days comes in.

Lost Days is a young adult novel I’m writing that turns on the ten days Pope Gregory eliminated (yeah, just like that–he was, after all, the Pope) to pull a bunch of holidays back into place before he instituted the Gregorian Calendar. (In October of 1582. You can look it up.) Continue reading

The Pangaea Campaign has Ended and the Journey Begins

Pangaea Cover V2 (Large)So, you know, we’re setting out to explore this continent. This super-continent.

When you come up with an idea for a science fiction book–what promises to be a really good science fiction book–in that brief moment of birth, it’s perfect. A perfect, little gem of a reality. Later on you’ll see the flaws and the challenges, a whole bunch of them probably, but when the thing first takes shape in your head, it’s virginal, untouched. Pristine.

The question I’m asking myself and thirteen other writers, as we dip our paddles into those pristine waters, is…what if mankind had been born and developed during a period when the continents were all one? When there was no Europe, no Asia, no North or South America, but instead a single, contiguous land mass?

How might our civilization have been different?

The question is a tantalizing one. So many possibilities. So many chances to take the familiar and turn it into something intriguingly, maybe disturbingly, unfamiliar. After all, we’re still talking about our world, our people. And yet…not the people we’ve become. Continue reading