Launching at Shore Leave

Crazy 8 Press will be storming Shore Leave in Cockeysville, Maryland this weekend and we have plenty of ways to celebrate our launch. Here’s our collective schedule although as individuals we will be on various panels throughout the weekend.


10 p.m.                 Meet the Pros

Come say hello. Buy our books. Get autographs. And fill out the form suggesting the opening line for the charity story to be written all weekend. Updates will be posted here and on our Facebook page.


Noon                     Crazy 8 Press panel

All six of us will be explaining why we formed Crazy 8 Press and what we have planned and how you, as readers, can benefit. At the conclusion, the winning opening line will be selected. Then, at the Crazy 8 Press table, come watch the mania as we craft a story from this opening line and hand it off from one to another. When done, it will be sold with profits going to the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund.

1:00 p.m.             Mike Friedman

2:00 p.m.             Bob Greenberger

3:00 p.m.             Aaron Rosenberg

4:00 p.m.             Peter David

500 p.m.               Glenn Hauman


10:00 a.m.           Mike Friedman

11:00 a.m.           Aaron Rosenberg

Noon                     Peter David

1 p.m.                   Bob Greenberger

2 p.m.                   Glenn Hauman

3 p.m.                   Mike Friedman

Get Your First Look At “The Camelot Papers” by Peter David!

A powerful ruler who’s considered by many to be simple-minded and vacuous and has serious father issues.  A no-nonsense, polarizing woman who favors pants suits and pursues dubious agendas involving social needs.  A remarkably magnetic leader of men with a reputation as a skirt-chaser.  A scheming, manipulative advisor who is constantly trying to control public perceptions.  A man seen as the next, great hope for the people, except there are disputes over his background and many contend he’s not what he appears to be.

George W?  Hillary and Bill?  Karl Rove?  Obama?

Try Arthur Pendragon, Guinevere, Lancelot, Merlin, and Galahad.

Learn here, for the first time, the down-and-dirty royal secrets that plagued Camelot as told by someone who was actually there, and adapted by acclaimed New York Times bestseller Peter David.  Full of sensationalism, startling secrets and astounding revelations, The Camelot Papers is to the realm of Arthur what the Pentagon Papers is to the military:  something that all those concerned would rather you didn’t see.

But you can see it right now, before its official release! Click here to get the first chapter of The Camelot Papers for free!

And for further updates on the release of The Camelot Papers, sign up for the Crazy 8 Press mailing list!


The new fantasy by Peter David goes on sale in all eBook formats and Print on Demand on July 8.

Look for the links to purchase the version you desire, because we know you want it, on July 8.


Crazy 8 Press, the new internet-based publishing venture, has unveiled plans to sell original novels and short stories by established authors directly to their readers. Crazy 8 Press will initially offer new titles on a bimonthly basis, with an increased publication pace to follow.

Crazy 8’s founders are veteran science fiction/fantasy authors Peter David, Michael Jan Friedman, Robert Greenberger, Glenn Hauman, Aaron Rosenberg, and Howard Weinstein. Together they have written hundreds of books and comics over the past 30 years, with combined sales of more than 15 million copies.

Crazy Good Stories