Tag Archives: Robin Riggs

Sir Apropos of Nothing Cover Unveiled

Sir Apropos coverOver at his blog, Peter David showed off Robin Riggs’ cover to the rerelease of Sir Apropos of Nothing, the first novel in his original fantasy series.

The trilogy of novels — Sir Apropos of Nothing, Woad to Wuin, Tongue Lashing — were originally released as hardcovers from Pocket Books but have long since fallen out of print.

The series and character was popular enough for IDW to release a miniseries by David and Riggs.

Now, David retains all the rights and is embarking on not only releasing new print and digital editions of these stories, but is working on the fourth volume, Pyramid Schemes, due out sometime in 2016.

Peter, and the rest of the Crazy 8 Press team, will be discussing the future at Farpoint in February.