Where are we in March?

In an effort to keep everyone better apprised as to our whereabouts, let’s take a moment and see what the Crazy 8 staff has on tap in March.

Next week, on March 8, Peter David will be conducting a daylong online Master Seminar on Writing Great Characters. This is part of a series hosted by former Marvel and IDW editor Andy Schmidt and well worth your time and attention. As it says on the website, “Join Peter for an in-depth look at getting to the core of the character, creating interactions and conflicts between characters, how to put your characters in the driver’s seat and let them guide you, and of course, scripting techniques to bring the heart of your character onto the final printed page.”

Over the weekend of March 21-22, I’ll be speaking on the campus of Franklin and Marshall College at Diplocon. It’s a small but growing show, with an emphasis on gaming and Anime but bringing me down means they’re ready for some comic book and science fiction love.

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