All posts by Peter David

Peter David visits the Crimson Keep on his Own

Writing is, by and large, the loneliest profession you can undertake.  It’s not like a typical office job where, if you run into problems, you can go to your supervisor and get some guidance from him or her.  It’s not like your friends can inform you about a procedure you didn’t know about that will solve the situation for you.  In writing, there’s you and the computer screen and that’s it.  It’s your story to tell:  Not your editor’s and not your fellow writers, neither of whom is in your office to pitch in any way.

The Crimson Keep stories haven’t been that way.  Crimson Keep began when Crazy 8 launched a round robin challenge at Shore Leave many years ago.  We took turns wedging our bodies (easier for the skinny guys; more problematic for me) into a space between two brick pillars and produced the very first combined Crazy 8 combined writing endeavor.  Each of us had an hour to come up with our contribution, which naturally became more challenging the further in we went because there was more for each new writer to read.  Should really have given the later writers ninety minutes, now that I think back on it. Continue reading

The Hidden Earth Trilogy Finally Concludes!

I cannot tell you how pleased I am that we have finally published Order of the Chaos, the conclusion of the Hidden Earth trilogy.

The series has had such an odd history.  The first edition, Darkness of the Light, was published by Tor in 2007.  They promised me they would publicize it if I got a pub quote from Neil Gaiman.  I asked, but Neil was too busy, and so the Tor publicity department buried it.  No one knew the book existed.  I went into bookstores throughout Florida (during a vacation) and one had ordered a single copy; no one else got any.   The sales were so pathetic it damaged my career in the long run.

I turned in the sequel, Heights of the Depths, and eighteen months later my editor, Jim Frenkel, still hadn’t gotten around to reading it.  Since the contract stated it had to be published within eighteen months of turning it in, I got the rights back.  Jim pleaded, Jim squawked, and I’m reasonably sure the event blacklisted me at Tor.  On the other hand, Frenkel was eventually fired for sexual harassment.  Make of that what you will. Continue reading

Love, Murder & Mayhem – When the Ideas Don’t Come … Until they Do

“I have no idea what to write.”

That was what I told my wife, Kathleen.

People always ask where writers get their ideas. They never understand the simple fact: we become writers because our brains are wired in such a way that the ideas come to us with such ferocity that we are compelled to write them down, and then ideally distribute them to as many people as possible with—ideally—our names accompanying them in as large letters as possible.

But sometimes the ideas don’t come. Especially, for me, when it comes to something very specific. In this case, it was for Russ Colchamiro’s new short story anthology for Crazy 8 Press, Love, Murder & Mayhem. The story was to have a science fiction setting and involve love and murder. I had thought about it, pondered it, but nothing was coming, maybe because writing science fiction isn’t really my strong suit. Fantasy, yes. Star Trek, of course. Superheroes, definitely. But an SF themed story just wasn’t singing to me.

And Kathleen said, “Sean and I came up with a story idea ages ago. But we never wrote it.” Sean is her brother. Continue reading

Sir Apropos Returns in New Novel This Summer

sirapropos0101_1I have just completed Pyramid Schemes, in which our ragtag anti -knight returns. This time Apropos winds up in an Egyptian-esque realm where he winds up being tasked to free the slaves and winds up coping with a mummy’s curse.

It will be published during the summer by Crazy 8 Press. If you are a legitimate reviewer, please drop me a line at and we’ll see about getting you a review copy.

By the way, I must highly recommend the brand new audio-dramatizations of the first two Apropos novels. Check out Graphic Audio for more details.

What I’m Working on: Peter David

021Greetings to all my Crazy 8 fans.  Been a while since I’ve taken the time to say hi.  I thought I’d bring you up to speed on what’s been going on in my life creatively.

Things have been exceedingly busy, which regrettably has taken time away from my Crazy 8 activities.  For instance, we have regained the rights to the Sir Apropos of Nothing books.  For those of you who haven’t had the chance to experience the adventures of Apropos—a snarky aspiring knight who was born to a tavern wench, lame of leg but sharp of wit—you’re going to have a great time meeting him. There are currently three books in the series, and I am working on a fourth one in which Apropos finds himself in Egypt (or the Apropos equivalent of it) wherein he accidentally frees the Jews and unleashes a mummy’s curse.  The title?  Pyramid Schemes.  I will endeavor to have it out for you this year.

At the moment, though, I am finishing the third of three Star Trek: New Frontier novellas.  Entitled The Returned, they will be coming out in July, August and September of this year as ebooks, followed by a collection of them in a single print novel.  We’ll be picking up exactly where we left off in Blind Man’s Bluff some years ago, and I hope it will be worth the wait. Continue reading

The Camelot Papers Part of a Major Fantasy Bundle

CAMELOT_PAPERS_2B-GHA few months ago, Kevin Anderson contacted me and invited me to be a part of a bundle.  I said what I would naturally say in this situation:   What’s a bundle?   Well, it turns out to be a golden opportunity for book fans.  You get to buy nine novels at once and you determine how much you’re going to pay for them.  You can’t beat that with a stick.  

So if you’re a fan of Neil Gaiman, Kevin Anderson, or any of the other superb writers in this endeavor, I would invite you to hasten over to  Continue reading