Tag Archives: Paige Daniels

Love, Murder & Mayhem: Read it Now: Super Mom’s Cookie Caper

Paige Daniels’ ‘ Super Mom’s Cookie Caper’ asks the question: Can a woman in the modern world be a great mom with three kids and a husband and have the career? And in this case, a career as a superhero? In short, can she have it all?

To find out, here’s an early look:

Super Mom’s Cookie Caper

by Paige Daniels

“Oh my God! They’re all dead! Someone murdered them!”

I sit bolt upright in my bed. My senses tingle and my breath quickens.

“No, no, this can’t be!” I hear from down the hall. “Why did they have to die?”

Microseconds before I zoom off, I feel a warm hand gently wrap around my wrist. My husband shakes his head. “Take a breath. Don’t be running off at super speeds. Hon, I’m sure there’s a bad guy out there plotting to take over the world . . . again, but I doubt he’s in our living room right now.”

I slowly let out a breath. He’s right, no need in exposing my secrets to the kids . . . just yet. “Thanks, honey. I need to keep that under control. ” Continue reading

Love, Murder & Mayhem – On Moms, Superheroes, and Cookies

By Paige Daniels

Be gentle, dear reader, for it’s been quite some time since I’ve blogged. With a full time job and kids who need shuttling to and fro, I had to make the decision between writing actual stories or blogging … spoiler alert writing stories won. This brings me to the inspiration for my story “Super Mom’s Cookie Caper”, set to appear in the new Crazy 8 Press scifi anthology Love, Murder & Mayhem. I love superhero comics, movies, t-shirts, toothpaste, whatever it is I love ‘em, can’t get enough.

But sometimes I wonder: what happens when the earth or universe has a day or weeks off from being nearly destroyed by the latest super villain with a chip on their shoulder? There’s no way one guy, like Superman, could carry the weight of the world on his shoulders, thus the forming of the Justice League. So what happens when Superman has a day off? Does he have to clean up the cat poop out of litter? Do you think Lois gets mad when he forgets to put the cap on the toothpaste, yet again? Does Wonder Woman have to clean her own toilets? Does Black Widow worry about having to fight with the cable company for raising her rates again? Continue reading

Cover Reveal: Love, Murder & Mayhem

At long last we are thrilled to present here the official cover for our new scifi-themed Love, Murder & Mayhem anthology coming out in July, debuting at Shore Leave in Cockeysville, MD.

As always, our pal and cover designer extraordinaire Roy Mauritsen did a fantastic job on the cover, with the collection featuring stories from an all-star author lineup including Aaron Rosenberg, Robert Greenberger, Michael Jan Friedman, Peter David, Paul Kupperberg, Glenn Hauman, Mary Fan, Hildy Silverman, Meriah Crawford, Kelly Meding, Paige Daniels, Karissa Laurel, Patrick Thomas, Lois Spangler, and editor Russ Colchamiro.

In this great collection you’ll get 15 stand-alone stories, including those featuring superheroes, super villains, A.I., off-world, space cruisers, private eyes, a monster mash and … one DuckBob!

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