Category Archives: News

Cabal and Other Irresponsible Invocations of The Muse

Cabal and Other Irresponsible Invocations of The Muse is my first book of short fiction. It’s got all the kinds of stories I’ve become known for in books, in comics, and on TV–fantasy, science fiction, and super-hero tales.

It’s funny…until recently, I never felt compelled to write short stories. My natural inclination has always been to write full-length novels. If somebody was editing an anthology and they invited me to contribute, sure, I did that, and I invariably enjoyed it. But left to my own devices, I instinctively turned everything into an epic.

Then, about a year ago, I was kicking around a story called Cabal. We’ve all seen comic book heroes fighting teams of villains bent on taking them down for nefarious purposes, right? Well, in Cabal, I wanted to turn that notion on its ear. I wanted the team trying to take down the super-powered character to have only the best intentions. Then, as the story unfolded, we would find out if they were right or wrong to have those intentions. Continue reading

Crazy 8 Press Returns to Shore Leave with new Book

61OX5azlGLCrazy 8 Press celebrates its anniversary, as always, at Shore Leave, the author-friendly Maryland convention, starting Friday.

Russ Colchamiro, Peter David, Michael Jan Friedman, Robert Greenberger, Glenn Hauman, and Aaron Rosenberg will be on hand. Unfortunately, Paul Kupperberg could not be in attendance.

In addition to our individual schedules, the C8 team can be found at Friday night’s Meet the Pros, 10-Midnight. Making its debut will be our annual anniversary anthology, Altered States, where we all celebrate with many of our friends.

Additionally, last year, the convention asked us to conduct a series of tShore Leave logo 2een writing workshops which went over very well. So, they asked for an encore and we are happy to oblige. This year the line-up will be:

Saturday, 1 p.m. Plotting – Bob, Aaron
Saturday, 3 p.m. Character – Peter, Russ
Saturday, 4 p.m. Author’s voice/point of view – Mike, Aaron
Sunday, Noon Research – Glenn, Mike
Sunday, 1 p.m. Drafting/Revising – Bob, Peter

Sandwiched between, on Saturday at 2 p.m. is our spotlight panel in the Derby Room. Not only will we be talking about our current projects and what to expect, each of us will do a brief reading from one of our C8 books. Continue reading

Kickstarting The Fortress and the Fire

Screen shot 2015-11-12 at 11.41.26 PMThirty years ago, Warner Books’s Questar imprint published The Fortress and The Fire, the last book in my Vidar Saga trilogy, about a son of Odin who returns to the Nine Worlds of Norse mythology to face an enemy that threatens to tear his universe apart. I’ve re-released The Hammer and The Horn and The Seekers and The Sword, the first two books in the set, on my own. But to fund the re-release of The Fortress and The Fire, I need some help–and I’ve started a Kickstarter campaign to that end. To support the effort, I’ve opened the vault to offer backers almost everything I’ve ever written. We’ve only just gotten started, so check it out–you just might find something you like.

Sir Apropos Returns in New Novel This Summer

sirapropos0101_1I have just completed Pyramid Schemes, in which our ragtag anti -knight returns. This time Apropos winds up in an Egyptian-esque realm where he winds up being tasked to free the slaves and winds up coping with a mummy’s curse.

It will be published during the summer by Crazy 8 Press. If you are a legitimate reviewer, please drop me a line at and we’ll see about getting you a review copy.

By the way, I must highly recommend the brand new audio-dramatizations of the first two Apropos novels. Check out Graphic Audio for more details.

Pangaea II is Fully Funded and Coming This Fall

Pangaea 2 CoverWith six minutes to go, our Kickstarter campaign for Pangaea II hit its mark. By October, backers will have the book in their hands (or, you know, in their reading devices).

Why is this important? Because science fiction needs to survive, and it needs to do so in written form. Sci fi movies are great. TV shows too. Believe me, I love ’em as much as the next guy. But they’re telling a story on a clock. And they’re subject to the tyranny of budget restrictions. And they’re produced by studios who usually err on the side of caution in all things. pen and paperWhich is why some things are better said in print. The problem, as we’ve seen in recent years, is that booksellers are under pressure. I hope we agree that there’s nothing like browsing in a bookstore. And if you’re a writer, there’s nothing like seeing your latest title on the shelf. But if bookstores–or at least many of them–go away, I don’t want books to go away too. I want them to be around forever because I like reading them and I like writing them. That’s why the Kickstarter success of Pangaea II is important. Because it allows 15 science fiction writers to reach out to readers with their stories, without any reliance on traditional publishers or bookstores (and, by the way, to share equally in the revenues after expenses). It blazes a trail for others to follow. It gives courage to the next science fiction writer or anthologist, who might otherwise have looked around at the traditional publishing landscape and despaired. Pangaea II is hardly the only worthwhile anthology that’s ever sprung from crowd funding. There are others looking to hit their mark right now. Take a moment and check them out. Give them some love. teamworkWe’re in this together, readers and writers. As I’ve said before, that’s where the magic happens. That’s the relationship we need to preserve at all costs. I’m proud of Pangaea II. I’m proud of the stories my colleagues are even now starting to write. But most of all, I think, I’m proud of you for making it happen.