Geoffrey Thorne’s Into the Mystic Collection is now Available

NEW YORK, NY – Author collective Crazy 8 Press announced today that Into the Mystic: Tales of the Grim Arcana, a collection of tales featuring creatures, dark magic, and other threats overflowing from Hell, is now available in paperback and eBook formats.

Written by TV writer Geoffrey Thorne, Into the Mystic: Tales of the Grim Arcana, collects five tales set in Arcana, a city on the border between the comfortable reality of what is known and the dangerous shadows of what the world has forgotten.

Into the Mythic was inspired by other series that blended dark fantasy, horror, and adventure, including The Dresden Files, TV’s Angel, and The Librarians.

“Arcana is the city where that creepy house at the end of the street absolutely lives up to its chilling reputation, where an overcrowded Hell sends its excess damned,” explains Thorne, who has also done tie-in work for Star Trek and Ultimate Spider-Man and was a writer on the hit series Law & Order: Criminal Intent, Leverage, and The Librarians. “It’s the place where Creation sits in a ball the size of a snow globe, and Armageddon lurks in the alley outside your door.”

Featuring inventive world-building, shady characters, and threats to body, mind, and soul, these dark, fantastical tales were previously released individually as The Grim Arcana books, now collected for the first time. They also set the stage for an upcoming novel that will expand on the characters and mythology.

            “Geoff is a tremendous storyteller who blends the fantastical, the grim, and the hopeful,” said Crazy 8 Press founding member Bob Greenberger. “With Into the Mystic, he’s invited readers into a creepy and mysterious world that straddles the border of reality, dark magic—and terror.”

Into the Mystic: Tales of the Grim Arcana, is available for sale on

Blunt Force Rising, 4th Angela Hardwick Novel, Launches Today

NEW YORK, NY – September 13, 2023— Author collective Crazy 8 Press announced today that Blunt Force Rising, the fourth novel in the Angela Hardwicke sci-fi noir series from Russ Colchamiro, is now for sale. Set entirely on a galaxy cruise ship, Blunt Force Rising is the most intense, nail-biting novel in the series to date.

Featuring hardboiled private eye Angela Hardwicke, who Colchamiro describes as part Blade Runner, part Doctor Who, part Sarah Connor, the future-set series has received high acclaim from award-winning sci-fi, crime, and horror authors and film directors.

“Russ Colchamiro has staked out a territory of sci-fi mystery uniquely his own,” says Nicholas Meyer, writer/director of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. “With Angela Hardwicke, he mines a vein of pulp fiction gold.”

In this latest sci-fi mystery featuring the titular heroine, Hardwicke, and her protégé Eric Whistler are hired by Ther’eda Ranadyne, the realm’s sole creator of androids, to provide extra security during an industry conference aboard a galaxy cruise ship.

Isolated millions of miles from home, the event quickly devolves into heated arguments between the pro-android community and its detractors, while a murder sets off a harrowing chain of events, the likes of which even Hardwicke has never faced.

“With Blunt Force Rising, I challenged myself in ways I’ve never done before,” Colchamiro says. “Androids serve as surrogates for the various marginalized communities we see today, who are under constant assault simply for being who they are, with their attackers extolling a violent, irrational hatred they themselves don’t seem to understand, nor ones they can calmly articulate.”

Yet with Blunt Force Rising, Colchamiro promises more of his Hardwicke sci-fi noir escapism.

“Set in a near-future weird-science, cosmic techno-noir, and featuring my new favorite hardboiled sleuth, Colchamiro’s latest mystery, Blunt Force Rising, pits organics against androids and friends against one another in a breakneck thriller,” says Lee Murray, five-time Bram Stoker Award®-winner, and co-author of the Path of Ra series. “Deadly sharp social commentary delivered through hi-tech lenses. I love it!”

Colchamiro also notes that each novel in the series—which includes Crackle and Fire, Fractured Lives, Hot Ash, and Blunt Force Rising—is a stand-alone mystery. They can be read in any order, as in each mystery, he re-introduces the setting and characters for new readers.

Blunt Force Rising is on sale now in print and eBook formats.

ISBN: 978-0998364193



“I wanted to be Angela Hardwicke!” Linda D. Addison, Bram Stoker-award-winning author of How To Recognize A Demon Has Become Your Friend

“Colchamiro’s Fractured Lives is a fun house mirror of a compelling read.” Reed Farrel Coleman, New York Times bestselling author of Sleepless City

“Angela Hardwicke is a wisecracking, tough, and tenacious PI worthy of unraveling a complicated investigation set in a fascinating universe without ever losing sight of the traits that make her—and by extension, us—human.” —Colorado Book Award-Winning author M.E. Browning

“[With Hot Ash], Colchamiro has created a fast-paced, action-packed sci-fi mystery. The gritty crime is well-crafted and unexpected, with punchy dialogue and graphic fight scenes that will appeal to genre fans.”  —The BookLife Prize


Russ Colchamiro is the author of the ongoing sci-fi noir series featuring hardboiled private eye Angela Hardwicke. He is currently working on the fifth Hardwicke novel.

A member of Crazy 8 Press, Private Eye Writers of America, and board member of the Mystery Writers of America NY Chapter, Russ is also the co-author and editor of the noir novella collection Murder in Montague Falls, has contributed short stories to more than fifteen anthologies, including various Hardwicke mysteries, and is the author of the sci-fi adventure novels Crossline, Finders Keepers, Genius de Milo, and Astropalooza.

Russ also hosts his popular Russ’s Rockin’ Rollercoaster podcast, interviewing a who’s who of science fiction, crime, mystery, and horror authors.

He lives in Northern New Jersey with his wife, two ninjas, a black lab, Jinx, and precocious kitten, Callie, who both may be aliens as well.

Social Media:

Instagram, Twitter/X, Threads: @AuthorDudeRuss



“What Took You So Long…?”

There’s an old Yiddish saying that translates to: “Man plans, and God laughs.” Boyohboy, did the Writing Gods yuck it up at my expense.

FLASHBACK: Things were going swimmingly for me in September 2017. My new book Galloway’s Gamble had just been published by Western-historical fiction specialist Five Star Publishing, and (after four decades writing lots of Star Trek and other science fiction) my very first historical novel also won a Western Fictioneers Peacemaker Award—a little icing on the cake.  

When my Five Star editors asked for more stories about endearingly argumentative brothers Jamey and Jake Galloway, I thought I’d won the writer’s lottery! I’d stumbled into a new storytelling niche I loved. I was embarking on my very own novel series. And I believed I’d found a happy publishing home for the rest of my writing days.  

But . . . “Man plans, and God laughs.”

Right around the time Galloway’s Gamble came out, I started having back problems that would keep me from sleeping for the next four years (which ain’t good for the brain). After twenty different medical practitioners, umpteen different drugs, and back surgery all failed to help; I’d lost four productive years and counting (although many people suffer far worse misfortune than I did). 

Speaking of which, there was also that disruptive little pandemic thing.

Then a tiny miracle happened—no thanks to all those doctors, I accidentally discovered a prescription drug combo which actually enabled me to get some sleep (and hasn’t caused alarming side-effects, like growing a second head or third arm . . . yet). I was able to resume making slow, steady progress on Galloway’s Gamble 2 and finally finished it—YAAAAAY!!!—only to learn that Five Star was being shut down by its parent company after 27 years of publishing award-winning fiction. Noooooo!

Faced with the reality that few other publishers (the kind that actually pays their writers, anyway) are doing this kind of book, I made the decision many fellow writers have also made—to self-publish. So that’s how I and Galloway’s Gamble 2: Lucifer & The Great Baltimore Brawl ended up at Crazy 8 Press, the writers’ collective I helped found a dozen years ago. Galloway’s Gamble 2 is the second book from Crazy 8’s new Western-historical imprint Silverado Press.

While science fiction has to be plausible, historical fiction has to be accurate. So, once I decided to write about 19th-century horse racing–America’s first true national sport, about which I knew very little—I dove into research. Not only did I learn lots of mundane details needed to give this tale authenticity, I also found some brilliant gold nuggets that enriched the entire story. 

When I read about millionaire horseman James Ben Ali Haggin, whose plan to enter a long shot stallion in the 1886 Kentucky Derby and collect a betting windfall was upended by a bookmakers strike, the legendary 1877 Great Sweepstakes match race at Pimlico, which drew nationwide attention; and the 19th-century dominance of Black jockeys, I knew I had the recipe for a tasty Galloway’s Gamble 2 stew worth cooking.

So what’s the story? After their friends are swindled out of a champion racehorse by ruthless rival Cortland Van Brunt III in a fog-shrouded San Francisco sprint, Jamey and Jake Galloway lead the gang on a snakebit, obstacle-strewn transcontinental quest: Can they reach Baltimore in time for a desperate long-shot bid to win back prized stallion Phoenix in a grudge-match race at Pimlico?

And that’s what took me so long.

But I’m happy to report that Galloway’s Gamble and Galloway’s Gamble 2 are available in paperback and ebook editions from Both are fast, fun reads, and I hope even readers who’ve never tried historical fiction will enjoy them.

C8 Launches Silverado Press Imprint

NEW YORK, NY – May 15, 2023— Author collective Crazy 8 Press announced today that it has officially launched Silverado Press, its new Western- and historical-themed imprint. The first two titles to publish under the Silverado Press banner include the short story collection Byrd’s Luck and Other Stories from award-winning author Jeffrey J. Mariotte, and Galloway’s Gamble 2: Lucifer & the Great Baltimore Brawl, from New York Times-bestselling author Howard Weinstein.

 “We’ve been looking to more formally expand our reach into Westerns and historical fiction, so it’s exciting for us to launch Silverado Press,” said Crazy 8 Press co-founder Robert Greenberger. “Jeff and Howie are both great writers who have delivered terrific new books that Western fans are sure to love.”

 Debuting this month, Byrd’s Luck and Other Stories contains five traditional western and five weird western tales, collecting several previously published stories, and two brand new original tales, including “Desperadoes: Into the Everdark” and “Byrd’s Law,” with cover art from acclaimed Western artist Bob Boze Bell.

“I’m thrilled to work with the gang at Crazy 8 Press and appreciate their confidence in Byrd’s Luck as the debut title for the Silverado imprint,” Mariotte said. “Western tales were my first and longest-lasting love. I’m deeply indebted to the community of western writers and artists for welcoming me into their corral.”

 The second title under the Silverado imprint will be Galloway’s Gamble 2: Lucifer & the Great Baltimore Brawl. In this sequel to the award-winning Galloway’s Gamble, poker-playing brothers Jamey and Jake Galloway lead a snakebit cross-country quest to win back a champion racehorse lost in a San Francisco swindle.

“Both Galloway novels are inspired by actual events, people, and places,” Weinstein said. “I love finding true historical nuggets I can use to help fiction feel real.”

Byrd’s Luck and Other Stories will go on sale May 30, 2023. Galloway’s Gamble 2 is scheduled for a July release. Both new titles under the Silverado Press banner will be available in print and ebook formats via Amazon, B&N, and other online and brick and mortar portals.

Byrd’s Luck and Other Stories:

ISBN: 979-8-9878381-0-5

Galloway’s Gamble 2: Lucifer & the Great Baltimore Brawl:

ISBN: 979-8-9878381-1-2


Quite literally, the first “stories” I ever wrote when I was six and seven years old were comic book stories. I also drew then because obviously a comic book needs pictures to go along with the words. Neither my writing nor pictures from those days pointed to a career in the arts, but I was only just getting started with comics. And writing. But they’ll always be intertwined for me, even now, almost 60 years later when I work primarily in prose.

Writing for DC Comics wasn’t just an idea. It was my goal, my ambition. Even more than that. It was a dream. I didn’t have the easiest childhood and the world of Superman and the Martian Manhunter and the rest of the Justice League was where I went for solace. I wanted to be as close to them as I could get.

In 1975, the dream became a reality. Coming up through the ranks of fandom and fanzines I finally stumbled through the door of DC and never looked back. Until now, in Direct Conversations: Talks With Fellow DC Comics Bronze Age Creators. Nearly 50 years and more than a thousand stories later I sat down with ten old friends and colleagues to talk about those good old Bronze Age days when we were first breaking into the business at a time when the business itself seemed to be on the verge of breaking apart. Another old friend, fellow DC, Weekly World News, and Crazy 8 Press pal Robert Greenberger wrote the introduction.

Included are conversations with: Writer/artist Howard V. Chaykin, writer/editor Jack C. Harris, writer/editor Tony Isabella, writer/editor/former DC president and publisher Paul Levitz, production artist/inker Steve Mitchell, writer/former DC production manager Bob Rozakis, artist Joe Staton, colorist Anthony Tollin, writer Bob Toomey, and writer/Batman film franchise producer Michael Uslan.

The Direct Conversations Kickstarter campaign went on October 5, 2022 at 12 noon ET and will run through October 25. CLICK HERE TO VIEW OR SUPPORT DIRECT CONVERSATIONS ON KICKSTARTER.

I’m offering signed copies of Direct Conversations: Talks With Fellow DC Comics Bronze Age Creators paperback, either by itself or with a PDF e-copy, or in combination with signed copies of one, two, or all three of my previously published books about comics and PDF e-copies: Direct Comments: Comic Book Creators in their Own Words, Paul Kupperberg’s Illustrated Guide to Writing Comics, and I Never Write for the Money But I Always Turn in the Manuscript for a Check. I know backers have come to expect stretch goals and elaborate rewards in Kickstarter campaigns, but from the reaction I’ve been getting to this project’s made me think I don’t need a lot of frills to sell a book of conversations with Bronze Age creators about the history they’ve witnessed, or in a lot of cases, made.

Direct Conversations: Talks With Fellow DC Comics Bronze Age Creators. It’s like eavesdropping on a bunch of old pros over lunch at a comic con!

Watch Phenomenons Con!

We had a wonderful time at Phenomenons Con this past weekend and we’re sorry you missed out. However, thanks to the miralce of modern technology, we present both sessions for your viewing pleasure.

You can watch the first session, featuring Michael Jan Friedman, Russ Colchamiro, Hildy Silverman, Paul Kupperberg, Geoffrey Thorne and special guest Alex segura, here.

And you can watch the rest of us, Mike, Russ, Peter David, Bob Greenberger, Aaron Rosenberg, Glen Hauman, and special guest Dan Hernandez, chat up our contributions here.

If you also missed the news, there will be a second volume. The Kickstarter campaign for this is coming soon so stay tuned for the announcement.

Crazy Good Stories