Tag Archives: Michael Jan Friedman

Love, Murder & Mayhem – A Short and Sweet Ballad

My pal Russ Colchamiro – one of my colleagues in Crazy 8 Press – is editing our summer anthology this year. It’s called Love, Murder & Mayhem, and his only requirement for us at the outset was that every story has all three components: love, murder, and mayhem.

He also mentioned that he could use a superhero story. And since I’m leaning in that direction anyway these days, I came up with one. About a whole team of superheroes, actually–a close-knit team that does all kinds of good in the world.
What in real life could I bring to such a story? Well, lately I’ve been thinking about the Beatles, an early influence on me. I remember how cool I felt back in the sixties listening to “I Wanna Hold Your Hand” or “I Saw Her Standing There” or – God help me – “Norwegian Wood.”
If the Fab Four had stayed together, who knows what kind of music they could have made. But of course, they didn’t stay together–according to some sources because of John Lennon’s soulmate, Yoko Ono, who pulled him away from the other Beatles and ultimately broke up the group.
Hmm…what if someone like Yoko had been brought into the inner circle of a superhero team? What if…
Yeah. The story is called “The Responders”. It’s short and sweet, like a Paul McCartney ballad, and I hope you like it.
Love, Murder & Mayhem from Crazy 8 Press will be on sale both in print and digital formats in July. Stay tuned for updates!
Michael Jan Friedman is the author of more than 70 books of fiction and non-fiction, about half of them set in the Star Trek universe. Eleven of his titles, including the autobiography Hollywood Hulk Hogan and Ghost Hunting (written with SyFy’s Ghost Hunters), have appeared on The New York Times’ primary bestseller list. Mike has also worked in network and cable television, radio, magazine publishing, and comic books. He co-wrote the story for the acclaimed second-season Star Trek: Voyager episode “Resistance,” which guest-starred Joel Grey. Mike is a founder of Crazy 8 Press. Currently, he’s working on a sequel to the young adult fantasy I Am The Salamander, which he released in 2014,= and an original short story collection. His website is MichaelJanFriedman.net. As always, Mike advises readers that no matter how many Friedmans they know, he is probably not related to any of them.
Follow him on Facebook and Twitter: @friedmanMJ.

Cover Reveal: Love, Murder & Mayhem

At long last we are thrilled to present here the official cover for our new scifi-themed Love, Murder & Mayhem anthology coming out in July, debuting at Shore Leave in Cockeysville, MD.

As always, our pal and cover designer extraordinaire Roy Mauritsen did a fantastic job on the cover, with the collection featuring stories from an all-star author lineup including Aaron Rosenberg, Robert Greenberger, Michael Jan Friedman, Peter David, Paul Kupperberg, Glenn Hauman, Mary Fan, Hildy Silverman, Meriah Crawford, Kelly Meding, Paige Daniels, Karissa Laurel, Patrick Thomas, Lois Spangler, and editor Russ Colchamiro.

In this great collection you’ll get 15 stand-alone stories, including those featuring superheroes, super villains, A.I., off-world, space cruisers, private eyes, a monster mash and … one DuckBob!

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Pangaea II is Fully Funded and Coming This Fall

Pangaea 2 CoverWith six minutes to go, our Kickstarter campaign for Pangaea II hit its mark. By October, backers will have the book in their hands (or, you know, in their reading devices).

Why is this important?
Because science fiction needs to survive, and it needs to do so in written form.
Sci fi movies are great. TV shows too. Believe me, I love ’em as much as the next guy. But they’re telling a story on a clock. And they’re subject to the tyranny of budget restrictions. And they’re produced by studios who usually err on the side of caution in all things.
pen and paperWhich is why some things are better said in print.
The problem, as we’ve seen in recent years, is that booksellers are under pressure. I hope we agree that there’s nothing like browsing in a bookstore. And if you’re a writer, there’s nothing like seeing your latest title on the shelf. But if bookstores–or at least many of them–go away, I don’t want books to go away too. I want them to be around forever because I like reading them and I like writing them.
That’s why the Kickstarter success of Pangaea II is important. Because it allows 15 science fiction writers to reach out to readers with their stories, without any reliance on traditional publishers or bookstores (and, by the way, to share equally in the revenues after expenses). It blazes a trail for others to follow. It gives courage to the next science fiction writer or anthologist, who might otherwise have looked around at the traditional publishing landscape and despaired.
Pangaea II is hardly the only worthwhile anthology that’s ever sprung from crowd funding. There are others looking to hit their mark right now. Take a moment and check them out. Give them some love.
teamworkWe’re in this together, readers and writers. As I’ve said before, that’s where the magic happens. That’s the relationship we need to preserve at all costs.
I’m proud of Pangaea II. I’m proud of the stories my colleagues are even now starting to write. But most of all, I think, I’m proud of you for making it happen.

Crazy 8 will be at Farpoint

Farpoint logoPeter David, Michael Jan Friedman, Bob Greenberger, Glenn Hauman, and Aaron Rosenberg will be attending Farpoint in Timonnium, Maryland over President’s Day Weekend. Russ Colchamiro and Paul Kupperberg are unable to attend this year, staying home to keep writing (or so they tell us).

Pangaea 2 CoverFriday evening at 10 will be the usual author’s book event so you can get your shopping done early, collecting autographs along the way.

Our panel will be Saturday at 4 where we will discuss our plans for 2016, starting with the current Kickstarter campaign for Pangaea II.

Meantime, here is a handy guide where to find us during the show:

Kathleen David

Fantastical Shows and Where To Watch Them
Friday, 5:00 PM

How’s Twelve Doing?
Saturday, NOON

Peter David

51FayIbj2BLLAutographs: Rigel Ailur, Peter David, Dave Galanter, Allyn Gibson
Saturday              10:00 AM

Readings: Peter David, Jennifer Povey, Joseph Berenato
Saturday              11:00 AM

Aliens: Beyond Pointy Ears & Bumpy Heads
Saturday              3:00 PM

Crazy 8 Press
Saturday              4:00 PM

Autographs: Joseph Berenato, Peter David, Keith DeCandido, Dave Galanter Saturday   6:00 PM

Star Trek Turns 50!
Sunday                 10:00 AM

What’s Changed with the All-New All-Different Marvel Comics
Sunday                 NOON

World Building 101
Sunday                 2:00 PM

Michael Jan Friedman

The Seeker and the SwordAutographs: Ben Anderson, Mike Friedman, Heather Hutsell, David Mack
Saturday         NOON

Crazy 8 Press
Saturday              4:00 PM

Star Trek Turns 50!
Sunday                 10:00 AM

Readings: Mike Friedman
Sunday                 11:00 AM

Autographs: Joseph Berenato, Mike Friedman, Marc Okrand, Jennifer Povey Sunday     NOON

What is New in the MCU?
Sunday                 2:00 PM

Bob Greenberger

MatterOfFaith2Bob Greenberger
Saturday              10:00 AM

Writing Workshop
Saturday              NOON

Holy Golden Anniversary, Batman!
Saturday              3:00 PM

Crazy 8 Press
Saturday              4:00 PM

The Bob & Howie Show
Sunday                 11:00 AM

Sci-Fi Fights!
Sunday                 1:00 PM

Glenn Hauman

Bob Greenberger
Saturday              10:00 AM

Crazy 8 Press
Saturday              4:00 PM

Aaron Rosenberg

51k7j83bmXLChanges In Business Of Speculative Fiction
Friday, 6:00 PM

Crazy 8 Press
Saturday              4:00 PM

Writing for the Game Industry
Sunday                 11:00 AM

Sunday                 1:00 PM

Pangaea II: The Rise of Dominjaron Kickstarter Campaign Launches

Pangaea 2 CoverCrazy 8 Press is following up on the success of its first Pangaea anthology with Pangaea II: The Rise of Dominjaron, which features an expanded and more diverse cast of writers.

A Kickstarter campaign was launched on January 24 and runs through February 25. Rewards for the $8000 goal run from prints of the cover by South American artist Caio Cacao to tuckerizations.

“This time we’re digging even deeper into the history of our fictional supercontinent,” said editor Michael Jan Friedman, “and we’re doing it with the help of four new writers–Ron Marz, Ilsa J. Bick, Kirsten Beyer, and Marie Lillian Vibbert. Ron will be a welcome name to pretty much anyone who reads comics, Ilsa’s a master of dark fantasy, Kirsten’s one of the top writers in the Star Trek book publishing program, and Marie is a rising star in the field of science fiction. I couldn’t be more pleased to let them loose among the civilizations we’ve established on Pangaea and see what kinds of stories they come up with.”

The anthology’s other writers are Michael A. Burstein, Peter David, Kevin Dilmore, Friedman himself, Robert Greenberger, Glenn Hauman, Paul Kupperberg, Kelly Meding, Aaron Rosenberg, Lawrence M. Schoen, and Geoffrey Thorne.

Pangaea II: The Rise of Dominjaron, like the first Pangaea anthology, explores a world in which all of humanity is confined to a single landmass, and has been so confined for all of its recorded history. There is no imperialism, no reliance on fossil fuels, and a surviving Neanderthal population.

“It’s even more of a shared world this time around, so pretty much every story is something of a crossover. I can’t think of any format that’s more fun for the reader,” said Friedman.

Should the project successfully fund, the new book will be released in September.

Seek and Ye Shall Find

The Seeker and the SwordWell, The Seekers and The Sword, the second book in my Vidar Saga, is now available for purchase as an e-book from either Amazon or BarnesandNoble.com. Wouldn’t ya know it, just in time for the holiday rush.

Thanks to everyone who’s asked about Seekers, and the Vidar Saga in general, over the years. It’s my great pleasure to bring you this new volume, full of the epic adventure that began in the Saga’s first book, The Hammer and The Horn, and will–with a little luck–continue in 2016 in the third book, The Fortress and The Fire.

I’ll let you know as soon as Seekers is available in paperback. In the meantime, enjoy whatever holiday you celebrate and may you receive everything you desire  in the coming year.